Sunday, July 27, 2008
End of July Records
-Transplanted six broccoli sprouts into garden... probably too early, but have 6 more as back ups
-Sowed into pots: beets, kale, carrots, garlic SEED, radish
-Moved prior planted garlic seed into garden - single cloves growing are roughtly the size of my thumbnail. Since these are from seed rather than clove, I expect to leave them in at least until spring... actually I have no idea what to expect... all the information on the net is for planting cloves, not true garlic seeds.
-The purplette onions on the deck are ok. I have let a few shrivel, but there are still about ten that look healthy.
Salad Experiments
My amaranth is finally taking off with beautiful green and purple leaf production. I tasted my very first nibble just a week or so ago. I definitely had mixed feelings. I keep reading that it is sweet and spinach-like... not so (maybe I didn't water frequently enough?). The initial taste is good, however quite strong. Then there is a sneaky little subtle aftertaste that is quite bitter. This sent me into a sour mood as all I can grow mid summer is bitter greens. Yet I did not let my grumpy disposition last. Instead, I decided to take on the challenge of finding ways to enjoy eating everything that I was growing, including my amaranth. So far I have come up with two salads that I quite enjoy, with hopes of finding more. The greens mostly don't matter... I have been using the last of my cabbage, a little store bought lettuce, lots of swiss chard, and a modest dose of amaranth. Top that with whatever beans are ready to be picked. Then for the salad dressing, what makes or breaks it for the bitter afterbite. I tried Farmgirl Fare's cabbage and swiss chard salad dressing... incredibly good despite my dislike for cottage cheese. In this recipe it was subtle enough to allow the greens to come through. Yet with the amaranth it didn't quite cover the aftertaste. Last night my husband and I made a sweet egg yolk based dressing. It was wonderful! You could still taste the distinct differences between the greens, yet there wasn't a hint of bitterness. I am overjoyed... I can now harvest greens to my heart's content without worry of fearing the eating process.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Taming the Tomato Jungle
Earlier this month I finally got around to staking all the tomatoes (except the caged one). I am definitely learning that certain varieties, primarily the determinant ones, would be better caged. Oregon Spring variety loves to flop all over the ground, but is hardly two feet tall (but producing very well). On the other hand, my sungold is already past the top of the stake with no intentions of stopping. There are lots of green tomatoes now and I am starting to get impatient. I am more than ready to eat my first ever own-grown tomato!
The jungle pre-staking
After staking and a slight trimming
Baby green tomatoes
Friday, July 4, 2008
Color has arrived
My small area for sun loving perennials is finally in full bloom. Last fall I scrounged the dead and dying (discount) rack for any and all salvageable flowers. Those finds, along with hand-me-down plants from friends have filled up my full sun areas to the brim. There are shady areas-a-plenty still to be filled, but I am sure enjoying the color that I've got!

Thursday, July 3, 2008
Early July Record of Events
Purplette Bunching Onion - sowed in planter on deck. All of the previously sown ones either didn't germinate or quickly passed away.
Purple Carrots - Sowed in largest planter pot on the deck. One sole survivor remains in the garden. The rest shrivled.
Beans - direct sowed more bush and pole beans. Current ones look great, but I want more!
July 2
Staked and pruned tomatoes (FINALLY)
July 3
Broccoli - direct sowed for fall harvest
Amaranth - transplanted from pots to garden
Eggplant - transplanted the one seed started plant
Pulled off the last of the sugar snap peas and removed plants.
Pulled out bolting spinach, lettuce, and pak choi (left a couple of each for seeds).
Harvested second (and sadly last) cauliflower.